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From June 16th to 18th, the 6th National Quantitative Remote Sensing Academic Forum was hosted by the Quantitative Remote Sensing Professional Committee of the China Association of Remote Sensing Application and the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, and hosted by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Held successfully in Chengdu. The theme of the forum is 'Development and Application of Quantitative Remote Sensing Science and Technology'. Based on this, experts and scholars, university teachers and students, and industry and enterprise representatives who are engaged in quantitative remote sensing research gathered together to express their opinions an...
release time: 2023 - 10 - 27
The 11th National Academic Conference of the Quaternary Period Aug.16th-18th, 2014Guiyang Convention Center, Guiyang, Guizhou Province
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
The 4th International Symposium on Aqua Science and Water ResourceAug.14th-16th, 2014   Shanxi University
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
China 2nd Stable Isotope Ecology Seminar and Stable Isotope Technology SeminarMay 18th-22th, 2014     Tsinghua University
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
2014 International Symposium on Atmospheric Environment and Air Pollution Monitoring Technology and ApplicationMay 13th-15th, 2014       China National Convention Center,  Beijing
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
Eddy Correlation Measurement Technology Exchange ConferenceMay 8th, 2014 Best Western OL Stadium Hotel
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
The 2014 Annual CERN Water Monitoring Instruments Training ClassApr. 14th-17th, 2014      Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
The 11th International Advanced Water Technology (product) Seminar Mar. 28th, 2014        China Hall of Science and Technology,  Beijing
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
China flux research alliance established meeting and the 1st academic seminar was held on July 28-29, 2014, at the 2602 meeting room, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing, China. LICA attended the seminar and introduce our products to the experts.
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
1.    September 3, 2014 - September 11, 2014the Seminar on the Latest Research Progress and Application of ASD SpectrometerSep. 3, 2014    Changchun HNA Mingmen Hotel                       Changchun, Jilin Province, China Sep. 5, 2014    Lanzhou Hotel                       Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China              Sep. 9, 2014    Chengd...
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
On December 11, 2012, the Flow Analysis Joint Laboratory had been constructed by three sides: the Key laboratory of Ecosystem Network observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, AMS France and LICA United Technology LTD.Mrs.Sun Xiaomin and Mr. Zhang Xinyu, whom from the Key laboratory of EcosystemNetwork observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and NaturalResources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Laurent, general manager ofAMS of France; Chen Shengfeng, general manager of AMS Chine...
release time: 2018 - 05 - 03
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