The CS320 is a digital thermopile pyranometer that measures broad-spectrum short-wave radiation and communicates over the simple SDI-12 protocol to the datalogger. This sensor design eliminates measurement error and programming errors that can adversely affect data quality.
The WeatherHawk Series 600 family of weather stations measure and record wind speed and direction; air temperature and relative humidity; barometric pressure and solar radiation; rainfall and snowfall. In addition, the system calculates and exports an evapotranspiration (ET) value that can be used by third party systems for irrigation control. Series 600 weather stations are designed for applications where a minimal visual impact, high reliability, and a long interval between routine servicing are significant factors in the decision to purchase. The standard Series 600 system incorporates an integral 3 AHr battery pack, which is continually recharged by an external primary power source. Model 620 and 610 systems can be interfaced with an optional solar panel, while Model 621 and 611 system...