Retrieval of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the Pearl River Estuary Using Multi-Source Satellite ImageryMonitoring and quantifying suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) in estuaries such as the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) provide crucial information for environmental processes, hydrological infrastructure, and navigation. Traditional SSC mapping based on in situ investigations lacks the spatial coverage necessitated by detailed analysis. Whereas many previous studies have shown that SSC monitoring based on satellite imagery is an effective way to investigate the patterns and changes of S...
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Based on the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) data, the global average mole fraction of atmospheric CO2 was 405.5 ± 0.1 parts per million (ppm) as of 2018, which was 146% of the pre-industrial (before 1750) level (WMO, 2018). To mitigate climate change, China is striving to reduce its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions before 2030 and has derived a series of national environmental policies to advocate green development. However, the implications of these measures on the mole fraction of the regional atmospheric CO2 remain ambiguous and whether carbon emission has been alleviated or eve...
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Hyperspectral remote sensing to assess weed competitiveness in maize farmland ecosystemsWeeds are plants that crowd out maize crops, which affect the normal growth of maize by competing for nutrients, sunlight, space, and water. However, maintaining appropriate weed diversity has ecological functions such as controlling agricultural pests, maintaining soil, and promoting nutrient cycling. To better control weed damage, the competitive roles between weeds and crops are identified for differentiated ecological weed management. After the three-leaf stage, maize relies on the absorption of nutrien...
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Estimation of total iron in soil using a water-absorption-peak-based color reconstructing machine (WCRM) methodSoil iron (Fe) is one of the necessary trace elements for plant growth. An iron deficit will affect the growth of plants, but excess iron can pollute soil and water and harm human health through the food chain and water sources. Effective monitoring of the dynamic change of soil Fe is important to guarantee soil and water quality, and human health. Soil spectroscopy technology has recently received extensive attention and has been used in the estimation of soil properties, because it ...
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Retrieving soil heavy metals concentrations based on GaoFen-5 hyperspectral satellite image at an opencast coal mine, Inner Mongolia, ChinaSoil heavy metals pollution has been becoming one of the severely environmental issues globally. Although mine resources development is vital for socioeconomic, some adverse effects generated by mine development on the natural environment were unavoidable. So, investigating soil heavy metals distribution in the open-pit coal mine is strongly desired because the results are meaningful for detecting contaminated fields, supplying land reclamation strateg...
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Application of ABB LGR water isotope analyzer on the partitioning of catchment evapotranspiration fluxesEvapotranspiration (ET) is an important process in the water budget of an ecosystem. Quantifying the components (Esoil and T)) of evapotranspiration is of great significance in revealing the ecohydrological process of alpine inland river basins. At present, the research on Esoil and T is mainly based on the observation site scale to calculate local evapotranspiration components, there are few reports on the changes of evapotranspiration components at the watershed scale. Hydrogen and oxygen ...
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The crop harvest index (HI) is an important biological parameter to evaluate the level of crop yield and cultivation effectiveness, and it is an important determinant of further improvement of crop yield. It is of great significance for research on the application of crop variety breeding, crop growth simulation, crop management in precision agriculture and crop yield estimation, among other topics. In recent years, Remote sensing has gradually become an effective technical means for obtaining largescale crop HIs because of its advantages in speed, accuracy and coverage area. And unmanned aeri...
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Soil moisture content estimate with drying process segmentation using shortwave infrared bandsSoil moisture is an essential factor directly impacting a variety of environmental processes, including evaporation, infiltration, and runoff, etc. Moreover, soil moisture also plays an important role in related fields of studies, such as evapotranspiration and food security for agriculture, wetland degradation for ecosystem balance, drought for climate change, and even energy exchange between land-atmosphere interface.Ground-based measurements can provide data that are easily calibrated and acquired ...
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WinRoots: A High-Throughput Cultivation and Phenotyping System for Plant Phenomics Studies Under Soil StressStress due to soil composition, such as salinity, heavy metals, and nutrient deficiency, is a primary cause for crop yield reduction. Crop soil stress tolerance is a complex trait that involves the regulation of a variety of genetic and non-genetic factors such as plant morphology, metabolism, and gene regulatory networks. Traditional crop phenotyping is generally carried out in the field, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, suffers from low throughput, and can routinely be affe...
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In recent decades, massively increasing nutrient discharge from soil erosion, agricultural activity, and anthropogenic sewage has resulted in the significant deterioration and eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems, becoming a pressing environmental problem in many countries. Eutrophication results in undesirable ecological consequences. Phosphorus is an essential bio-limiting nutrient responsible for eutrophication and water quality deterioration, thereinto particulate phosphorus (PP) serves as an important potential source of phosphorus for the growth of phytoplankton and bacteria, thereby ...
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